
What fish do you prefer? Goldfish and tetras are popular fish that make freshwater aquarium-watching both fun and interesting.

There are many different types of freshwater aquariums to choose from:

  • Passive Freshwater Aquarium - type of freshwater aquarium populated by fish that would be considered passive and non-territorial.
  • Goldfish Aquarium - Goldfish are very frequently kept in a species specific type of freshwater aquarium. If you keep the tank around 74 degrees then a pleco or most catfish will do just fine as a bottom feeder tank mate.
  • Freshwater Planted Aquarium - a planted aquarium will most commonly be used in conjunction with passive community fish but this is not necessarily the case.  You could have more semi-aggressive fish such as Barbs, Freshwater sharks, and Plecos that are still considered compatible with this type of freshwater aquarium.
  • Semi-Aggressive Aquarium - Aggressiveness is somewhat relative among fish. Some aggressive fish can attack other fish and kill them, eat other fish as food, or relentlessly chase other fish around until they die of stress.  These fish will tend to be a little bigger and so need a bigger aquarium … probably 75 gallon at a minimum or larger range.
  • Cichlid Aquarium - Cichlids, especially African Cichlids, are another type of fish that are often kept in a species specific type of freshwater aquarium. They are very hardy and although very aggressive, typically will do well with each other and can be stocked at fairly high densities.

The key to a clean, healthy, thriving aquarium is filtration.  In most aquariums the number of fish, plants, corals and invertebrates, in relation to water volume, exceeds what would typically be found in nature.  It is essential that the biological waste produced by aquarium inhabitants be removed and metabolized before becoming toxic. This is where we come in. We have the extensive knowledge to help keep your tank healthy and thriving.